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  • Mould Clamps

Thermit welding mould clamps

Mould Clamps are railroad track welding tools, a set of iron clamps that protect the mold from damage and clamp the mold Armold the track, creating a cavity to contain the molten iron produced by the aluminum heat reaction.

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Thermit welding mould clamps are specialized clamps used in the thermit welding process, which is a welding method that uses a chemical reaction to produce extremely high temperatures that melt and fuse metals together.

The clamps are used to hold the thermit welding mold securely in place during the welding process. The weld die is shaped to create a channel or cavity in which the molten metal will flow and solidify.

Thermit welding mould clamps are an essential tool in the thermit welding process, providing a safe and secure means of holding the weld mould in place and ensuring a successful weld.

Application: A set of iron clamps used to protect the mould from being damaged, and clamp the mould around the rail to form a cavity to contain the molten iron that produced by Aluminothermic reaction.

Material: Cast Iron


Mould Clamps


Thermit Welding Video


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